We positioned our client as a go-to authority on essential topics, making their content so impactful that Wikipedia even referenced their articles on two different pages. As a result of our efforts, their website’s performance skyrocketed. Starting with just 10 referring domains and 21 weekly organic visitors, they’ve grown to 279 high-authority domains and a weekly organic traffic count of 1,372—boosting organic traffic value to $867 per week, a remarkable 6,433% increase.
Our efforts on keyword rankings paid off big time, too. Initially, only 2 keywords ranked in the top 3, with just 1 more in the top 10. Today, 60 keywords hold top 3 positions, and another 138 appear on the front page of Google. Our strategy for ceramic molding has secured top rankings across high-traffic keywords, many holding the #1 position and appearing as first results in Google’s ‘People Also Ask’ section.